FakeCall Malware

New FakeCall Malware Variant Hijacks Android Devices for Fraudulent Banking Calls

New FakeCall Malware Variant Hijacks Android Devices for Fraudulent Banking Calls Nov 04, 2024Ravie LakshmananMobile Security / Financial Fraud Cybersecurity researchers have discovered a new version of a well-known Android malware family dubbed FakeCall that employs voice phishing (aka vishing) techniques to trick users into parting with their personal information. Read more…

Qilin.B Ransomware

New Qilin.B Ransomware Variant Emerges with Improved Encryption and Evasion Tactics

New Qilin.B Ransomware Variant Emerges with Improved Encryption and Evasion Tactics Oct 24, 2024Ravie LakshmananRansomware / Cybercrime Cybersecurity researchers have discovered an advanced version of the Qilin ransomware sporting increased sophistication and tactics to evade detection. The new variant is being tracked by cybersecurity firm Halcyon under the moniker Qilin.B. Read more…