India-Linked Hackers

Cloudflare Warns of India-Linked Hackers Targeting South and East Asian Entities

Cloudflare Warns of India-Linked Hackers Targeting South and East Asian Entities Sep 26, 2024Ravie LakshmananCloud Security / Cyber Espionage An advanced threat actor with an India nexus has been observed using multiple cloud service providers to facilitate credential harvesting, malware delivery, and command-and-control (C2). Web infrastructure and security company Cloudflare Read more…

Researchers Warn of Chinese-Aligned Hackers Targeting South China Sea Countries

Researchers Warn of Chinese-Aligned Hackers Targeting South China Sea Countries

Researchers Warn of Chinese-Aligned Hackers Targeting South China Sea Countries Cybersecurity researchers have disclosed details of a previously undocumented threat group called Unfading Sea Haze that’s believed to have been active since 2018. The intrusion singled out high-level organizations in South China Sea countries, particularly military and government targets, Bitdefender said in Read more…

Golang Stealer

Kimsuky’s New Golang Stealer ‘Troll’ and ‘GoBear’ Backdoor Target South Korea

Kimsuky’s New Golang Stealer ‘Troll’ and ‘GoBear’ Backdoor Target South Korea Feb 08, 2024NewsroomCyber Espionage / Malware The North Korea-linked nation-state actor known as Kimsuky is suspected of using a previously undocumented Golang-based information stealer called Troll Stealer. The malware steals “SSH, FileZilla, C drive files/directories, browsers, system information, [and] Read more…