PlugX Malware

French Authorities Launch Operation to Remove PlugX Malware from Infected Systems

French Authorities Launch Operation to Remove PlugX Malware from Infected Systems Jul 27, 2024NewsroomMalware / Cyber Intelligence French judicial authorities, in collaboration with Europol, have launched a so-called “disinfection operation” to rid compromised hosts of a known malware called PlugX. The Paris Prosecutor’s Office, Parquet de Paris, said the initiative Read more…

Largest Ever Cyber Attack

Russian Hackers Launch ‘Largest Ever Cyber Attack’ on Danish Critical Infrastructure

Russian Hackers Launch ‘Largest Ever Cyber Attack’ on Danish Critical Infrastructure Nov 16, 2023NewsroomCyber Warfare / Threat Intelligence Russian threat actors have been possibly linked to what’s been described as the “largest cyber attack against Danish critical infrastructure,” in which 22 companies associated with the operation of the country’s energy Read more…

Espionage Campaign

Chinese Hackers Launch Covert Espionage Attacks on 24 Cambodian Organizations

Chinese Hackers Launch Covert Espionage Attacks on 24 Cambodian Organizations Nov 13, 2023NewsroomNational Security / Cyber Attack Cybersecurity researchers have discovered what they say is malicious cyber activity orchestrated by two prominent Chinese nation-state hacking groups targeting 24 Cambodian government organizations. “This activity is believed to be part of a Read more…